hello and welcome to my webbed site!

sorry about the weird redirecting thing! wasnt sure how else to replace my og page

i have little experience in coding, but i'm trying to follow some guides! i hope i can make something that at least, i, can enjoy!

by the way, this IS a very work-in-progress sort of thing. so forgive me if some stuff looks wonky! also i used sadgrl's layout maker 4 this :o just thought i should say that somewhere!

if any of you recognize me from like. tumblr orrr anywhere else just like. uhh ignore this for now i am working on it

hi! if you've seen this site in the past few days you might be wondering. "hey? what happened to all the nox and stella stuff?" well i decided i want this website to be more about me as a whole. they are still very much part of me but i will be revamping everything!